
When it comes to design, the temptation to focus solely on aesthetics can be alluring. We often want our designs to look pretty and visually appealing, but we must remember that design is much more than just a pretty facade.

The purpose of design is to communicate an idea, solve a problem, or improve the functionality of something. In other words, the essence of design is to make things better. And this improvement should manifest in a way that enhances our cognitive understanding of the world around us.

Beauty, as it turns out, is often a byproduct of functionality. Just like how flowers evolved to be visually appealing as a way to attract pollinators and improve their reproductive success. Similarly, when we design something with the intention of solving a problem or improving a process, the result can be both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Designers must resist the temptation to prioritize aesthetics over functionality. Design is about finding elegant solutions to complex problems, and the best designs are the ones that work seamlessly while also being visually pleasing.

So, let us not forget that pretty is not enough. Design should always strive to serve a purpose, solve a problem, or improve the functionality of something. By doing so, we can create designs that are both functional and beautiful, and that make the world a better place.

Functionality Is First